Shipment and delivery

Shipment and delivery

  • After the order is paid, the product will be shipped to the designated delivery address. If some products are out of stock, our company will notify customers via email or customer contact information as soon as possible.
  • The estimated delivery time depends on the method of transportation and the location of the order. In most cases, delivery is carried out within 7-10 days, but in exceptional cases it can be up to 30 days.
  • If a purchase amount is more than 70 euros, a buyer has the opportunity to choose free shipping
  • If the customer needs to change the delivery address, he should notify our company as soon as possible. It is the customer’s responsibility to notify our company of any changes in address or other relevant details. If the order has been sent to the customer, the delivery address cannot be changed.
  • informs the customer that the package has been dispatched by email.
  • Delivery and correct transportation depend on the accuracy of the information provided by the customer. If the order has been placed correctly, the product will be delivered correctly. For security reasons, will not send any orders without identifying customer addresses or personal information. is not responsible for any delay in delivery or incorrect information provided by the customer.
  • has the right to adjust and modify these terms and conditions at any time.